
Life at the Office

Well, it is only Tuesday and I am already about to strangle a few people here at work. Usually my workload gets a bit hectic towards the end of the month and the way my team is set up I am usually fending for myself. I will occassionally have help from another co-worker but most of the time I am pretty much on my own.

It has gotten so bad recently, that I am not even checking the work I am doing to make sure it is done correctly. I am all about the paycheck at this point. If it wasn't for the fact that I was back in school and needing the dough to pay bills I would definitely quit this job in a heartbeat.

I miss the good ole' days of working a part time job, where my schedule was a bit more laid back because I would have hours that fluctuated. I remember working at the movie theater and sure the job didn't pay even half of what I needed but it was fun. Despite the fact that I hated having to clean up after bratty snot nosed kids after Disney movies.

My office is full of strange people. Most of them go into business for themselves so the point of having "teams" is pretty much useless. I find myself often stuck having to help other people when they need it. Even though I hardly can find a helping hand. I would say the enviroment here is kind of clique-ish. For the most part, if you are in good with someone that doesn't have to work, neither will you. Because that person will want you to take all the breaks they take with them, and surely if you have work to do you can't keep them company.

So this usually results in the person passing off their friends work to me and my cubicle buddy. At this point, the majority of the team members have left to greener pastures, or are in the process of just not giving a damn anymore. So it feels like it is a two man only team.

Not to sound like a pig. But some of these people (especially certain birds) get on my nerves so much that given the chance I would probably hate f*ck them haha. Sorry just had to quote a friend. But seriously, some of these people here are ridiculous. Hope everyone else loves their jobs!

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